Access the best contextual targeting

Sirdata's performance was born from the intelligence we put into analyzing the content of the pages to creating the most relevant audiences.
We are now putting our intelligence and mastery of semantics to the service of contextual targeting.


Our key value ?

Granularity & Precision

Our proprietary semantic technology combines several approaches, including NLP (Natural Language Processing), making it possible to go much further than simple keyword targeting logic.

Privacy-friendly & Cookie free

Our contextual solution is one of the few on the market that does not use personal data or cookies, providing a compliant way to increase the reach and effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Multilanguage contextual

Our semantic tool analyzes millions of content in 32 languages in line with the needs of brands to activate the best targeting on the largest market platforms around the world.

Smarter targeting for better performance performances

Our semantic tool analyzes the content of a page in the same way a human does, detecting subtle changes in context that can completely upset the meaning of words. This allows us to offer unmatched precision and scale - all according to the IAB classification, ours or yours, according to your contextual KPIs and without cookies ...

Contextual Deal Case Story


Campagne - réalisée par




Develop advertiser's online watchs sales

Campaign - carried out by AdNatus


Test with and without contextual targeting Sirdata


  • Almost instantaneous sales generation with Sirdata contextual
  • Performance andengagement much better with Sirdata
  • Advice, quality and expertise of the team were a key for the performance of the campaign


Campagne - réalisée par


Shall we call you back?

Ours experts

  • Will study your issues
  • Will give a live demonstration of Sirdata
  • Will show you how accurate our solutions are